Will a Dental Implant Cause a Problem With Airport Security?

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
tooth implants Salt Lake City

Airport security checks might be necessary, but they can be a major annoyance. Emptying your pockets. Pulling your laptop out of your carry-on. Taking your shoes off. Some men and women considering whether to get an implant may wonder if it will affect airport security. Let’s answer the questions commonly asked about tooth implants and…

What is Dental Sleep Medicine?

dental sleep medicine Murray

What is dental sleep medicine? It’s a relatively new branch of dentistry that treats sleep apnea and other sleep-related breathing problems. Don’t confuse dental sleep medicine with dental sedation or sleep dentistry. Dental sleep medicine treats sleep apnea. What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a condition where you have frequent, intermittent delays in breathing…

Can You Completely Restore a Smile With Several Missing Teeth?

Draper Dental Implants

Dental techniques and materials have advanced to a point where total and near-total mouth reconstruction is possible right here in the Salt Lake City area. Tooth Roots Permanently Anchored Unlike traditional removable dentures, total mouth reconstruction requires strong, functional, and aesthetically pleasing teeth with roots permanently anchored into the jaw bone. You have probably heard…

The Salt Lake Dental Care – Clint Blackwood DDS Guide To Veneers

porcelain veneers cost Salt Lake City

It’s easy to see why Murray smile makeover patients and cosmetic dentists love porcelain veneers. They correct a multitude of cosmetic flaws and deliver beautiful results for my Salt Lake City area patients. If you are considering beautifying your smile with porcelain veneers, you want a trusted dentist with extensive experience performing this treatment. The…

Let Your Smile Show Who You Really Are

 smile makeover

Let’s talk about the power of a smile. A smile communicates your emotions more precisely than words can ever do. The absence of a smile also sends a clear message. But what if you want to smile but the dilemmas with your teeth prevent you? This is a frustrating condition for many Murray people both…