The Key to Successful Social Engagement in Utah is Good Dental Hygiene

The Key to Successful Social Engagement in Utah is Good Dental Hygiene.

Social interaction plays a vital role in personal and professional relationships. It’s crucial to put your best foot forward when it comes to social engagement. While many factors contribute to making a positive impression, one aspect that often gets overlooked is dental hygiene. You can dress for success, make yourself up with the best of…

Do You Have a Persistent Dry Mouth?

The Salt Lake Dental Care - Clint Blackwood DDS Guide To Dry Mouth

Many residents in our Murray community experience dry mouth occasionally. Some develop dry mouth in social situations or when they are under a lot of stress. Sporadic or infrequent dry mouth is usually not a serious dilemma. Constant dry mouth, or xerostomia, is not only irritating, but it can also lead to acute health problems.…

Dry Mouth Can Cause Dental Problems

dry mouth treatment Murray

A decline of saliva flow resulting in a dry mouth is a common problem, especially among older individuals. A dry mouth is not only uncomfortable, but it can also cause tooth damage. Saliva is necessary to keep the mouth lubricated, wash the food from teeth, and neutralize the acids that can cause plaque. Extensive decay…