Many residents of the Murray UT, Salt Lake City, and Sandy area are finding that they just don’t have time to floss and that it’s difficult to fit it into their daily schedule. If you’ve found this to be true, here are some ideas for when to fit this important dental health habit into your day.
The most common time is right before bed, but make sure your aren’t too tired to do a good job.
Right when you wake up is also an option, but if food is left between teeth all night, it has a chance to turn into plaque.
Try just after lunch, but before you go back to work.
Floss while you are in the car sitting in traffic. It’s easier one-handed with the pre-strung floss pics. (You might get some strange looks from other drivers, but it’s worth it.)
After you exercise – keep some floss in your gym bag.
While you’re watching the nightly news.
I hope this gives you some ideas to help you make flossing part of your daily routine. Flossing is essential for anyone in Murray or Salt Lake City who wants to have a healthy smile.
If you want to improve your smile, look into cosmetic dentistry procedures such as porcelain veneers, invisible braces, teeth whitening or Murray UT dental implants.
My name is Dr. Clint Blackwood and I am a high-quality Murray dentist. Helping my dental patients establish good habits is important to me, as well as helping them achieve the smile they want with cosmetic dentistry procedures such as veneers, teeth whitening and complete smile makeovers.
We are currently accepting new patients, so give us a call at 801-938-8855 to make an appointment!
Dr. Clint Blackwood
Salt Lake Dental Care
279 E 5900 S Ste 202
Murray, Utah